Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Santo DI BELLA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course is aimed to learn the basic concepts of general chemistry and stoichiometry.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons; numerical exercises ; laboratory exercises.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Required Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of mathematics and physics

Detailed Course Content

1. Composition of matter  and chemical reactions: balance of chemical reactions and stoichiometry 

2. The atomic theory: first atomic models, modern atomic theory, electron configuration of atoms, the periodic table of elements

3. The chemical bonding: the Lewis structures, the covalent bond: valence bond and molecular orbital models

4. Thermochemistry and principles of thermodynamics

5. Aggregation states of the matter: Gases and their properties; Intermolecular forces: liquids and solids

6. Solutions and their properties

7. Chemical kinetics

8. Principles of the chemical equilibrium

9. Acids and bases

10. Chemical laboratory: Synthesis  of some simple oxides, crystallization techniques, acid-base titrations.   

Textbook Information

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
11. La composizione della materia e le reazioni chimiche Slides delle lezioni; Testi 2-5
22. La struttura atomica Slides delle lezioni; Testi 2-4
33. Il legame chimicoSlides delle lezioni; Testi 2-4
44. La termochimica e cenni di termodinamica Slides delle lezioni; Testi 2-5
55. Gli stati di aggregazione della materiaSlides delle lezioni; Testi 2-4
66. Le soluzioniSlides delle lezioni; Testi 2-5
77. Cenni di cinetica chimicaSlides delle lezioni; Testi 2-4
88. Chemical equilibriumSlides delle lezioni; Testi 2-5
99. Equilibri ionici in soluzione acquosaSlides delle lezioni; Testi 2-5
1010. LaboratorioSlides delle lezioni