Academic Year 2020/2021 - 2° Year - Curriculum Industria, Ambiente e Beni Culturali
Teaching Staff: Enrico CILIBERTO
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: CHIM/03 - General and inorganic chemistry
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The goal is to provide adequate knowledge of the main forms of deterioration, both physical and chemical, of the constituent materials of works of historical and artistic interest. The materials and techniques for conservation, and the scientific criteria for the selection and evaluation of interventions are also illustrated.

Course Structure

In room lessons.

Detailed Course Content

Introduction to the materials used for restoration: archaeometric problems and the diagnostic project. The role of the chemist in the planning of a restoration process. Restoration Charters.

The degradation of materials. Aging of organic and inorganic materials: the role of temperature and light, simulation of aging conditions. The role of water and soluble salts: the Venice case. Atmospheric particulate and dew conditions: black crusts. Frost and freezing of materials. The degradation of metals: steels, bronzes and lead alloys. Indoor decay: museum and archive problems.

Cleaning techniques: solvents and solubilization mechanisms: Solubilization of saline solids, solubility of a salt, reactive solvents and ion exchange resins; complexing agents, chelation effect, careful use of complexing systems on composite systems and on pictorial layers. Cleaning of organic patinas and crusts: Weak forces: polarity, London forces and hydrogen bond, ternary diagram of solvents. Physical properties of solvents: vapor pressure, boiling point and retention, flammability. Toxicity of solvents and their disposal. Innovative cleaning techniques: cleaning with enzymes, with gel and by laser ablation.

The porosity of materials: definitions of porosity. Types of pores. Determination of porosity. Porosimetry and porosimeters. Diagnostic significance of porosity and porosimetry. Consolidants and fillers. Properties of consolidants; impregnation; organic and inorganic consolidants and related problems. Nanolimes, synthesis and properties. Grouts: mechanical properties, porosity, reversibility and adhesive properties; hardening time; withdrawal issues; types of stucco.

Varnishes, adhesives and protective products; function of a varnish; paint degradation: yellowing and craquelures. Natural resins and synthetic resins, waxes. Adhesives and adhesion mechanisms; classes of stickers. The protective antioxidants of metals: the cases of bronze and ferrous alloys. The hydrophobic and olephobic agents, lotus effect and self assembled systems on stone, glass and cellulose.

Textbook Information

-Mauro Matteini e Arcangelo Moles, La Chimica del Restauro. Nardini Editore (1989).

-G. Torraca, “Solubility and solvents for conservation problems”, ICCROM,Roma, 1990

-C.V. Horie, “Materials for Conservation”, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 1987

-Enrico Pedemonte, Gabriella Fornari, Chimica e restauro. La scienza dei materiali per l'architettura, Marsilio 2003.

- C. Altavilla and E.Ciliberto, Inorganic Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Applications, and Perspectives (Nanomaterials and their Applications), CRC Press 2017.