Analytical Chemistry I and Laboratory
Module Analytical Chemistry I and Laboratory (MOD.2)

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: Annalinda CONTINO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Educational goals: to provide the student with a solid background in those chemical principles that
are particularly important to Analytical Chemistry with a particular focus on the experimental
laboratory procedures for the quantitative determinations.

Course Structure

Lectures, classroom and laboratory exercises. If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes with respect to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus

Required Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of General and Inorganic Chemistry and basic laboratory procedures.

Attendance of Lessons

As per university didactic regulations and study program regulations.
If the teaching is given in mixed or remote mode, they can be introduced
the necessary changes with respect to what was previously stated in order to comply with the
program foreseen and reported in the syllabus.
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Detailed Course Content

Use of Solution Equilibria for quantitative determinations. Acid-Base Equilibria and Calculations,
Precipitation, Complexation and Redox Equilibria. Applications. Description of the analytical process
in chemistry. Application of specific analytical methodologies to the solution of practical problems.
Analytical Apparatuses, precision, accuracy, sensitivity. Gravimetric Analysis. Analysis by
precipitation. Formation of precipitates. General Concepts on the Titrations. Primary Standard
Substances. Preparation of Standard Solutions. Standardization Procedures. Acid-Base Titrations.
Acidimetric and Alkalimetric. Precipitation Titrations: argentimetric methods. Complexometric
Titrations: EDTA Titrations. Oxidation-Reduction Titrations. Potassium Permanganate methods.
Iodimetry and Iodometry: Iodometric Determinations.

Textbook Information

1. Kolthoff, Sandell, Meehan e Bruckenstein: Analisi Chimica Quantitativa. Vol. 1 e Vol. 2 - Piccin
Editore, Padova.
2. Freseir & Fernando: Gli Equilibri Ionici nella Chimica Analitica - Piccin Editore, Padova.
3. De Simoni Chimica Analitica, Equilibri ionici e fondamenti di analisi chimica quantitativa, Clueb
Editore, Bologna.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Introduction to the laboratory course. Stages of a Chemical Analysis. Choice of the Analytical Method.
2Application of solution equilibria in quantitative determinations. Acid-Base, Precipitation, Complexation and Redox equilibria.
3Measuring instruments, precision, accuracy, sensitivity in the determinations analytical.
4Gravimetric analysis. Analysis by precipitation. Formation of precipitates. Gravimetric determination of Ni (II).
5Generalities on Titatrions. Preparation of standard solutions. Procedures of standardization. Definition of primary standard. Acid-base titrations.
6Precipitation titrations. Argentimetric methods.
7Complexometric titrations. Titrations with EDTA.
8Redox titrations. Methods based on permanganate. Iodometric methods.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

1. Written test that will focus on the topics covered during the course. This test includes the
resolution of exercises of the same type as those carried out during the course.
2. Presentation of a topic chosen by the student pertinent to the topics covered
during the course.
3. Questions formulated by the commission on the topics considered inalienable.
4. Verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, if the
conditions should require it.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Questions regarding the main topics of the course. Exercises on the rigorous treatment of equilibria in solution.