Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Paolo Giuseppe CARUSO
Credit Value: 3
Taught classes: 21 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

In this context teaching English (even in accordance with this type of ESP – English for Specific Purposes / Approach to basic Chemistry) has a specific aim : to reinforce the basic grammar structures > particularly verb tenses, such as the present simple and present continuous ; the future tenses; the past simple and past continuous; the present perfect; If-clauses etc. apart from the other basic and very relevant grammar structures.

Obviously, a priority must be the general English combined with the micro-language and, above all, the comparison between L1 and L2.

This course is based on realistic tasks and situations for the students’ exam and – above all- gives students/learners the learning-tools for real-life language skills.

Nevertheless, it accurately and consistently tests all four languages skills – reading , writing, listening and speaking and encourages positive learning experiences.

Finally, this course is – indeed - aimed at learners/students who want to show they can :

  • Read simple textbooks and articles in English
  • Write letters and emails on everyday subjects
  • Understand factual information
  • Show awareness of opinions and mood in spoken and written English.

Course Structure

Classroom lessons

Detailed Course Content

Significant reinforcement of the main language structures : Countable and uncountable nouns; Connecting words; Word building; -ed and -ing adjectives; Verb-noun collocations; Verbs and prepositions; Comparatives and superlatives; Quantifiers; Possessive Pronouns; Irregular verbs; Present simple; Past Simple; Past continuous; Present simple Vs continuous; Present perfect for life experiences; Present continuous for future arrangements; Future with going to; Future with will and shall; First and second conditional; basic Phrasal verbs; Modals.

Textbook Information

lecture notes, power points, slideshows based on ‘Focus on Science’ and ‘New Planet’ and photocopies