Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year- First module: Roberto PURRELLO
- MODULO 2: Giuseppe GRASSO
Scientific field: CHIM/03 - General and inorganic chemistry
Taught classes: 56 hours
Exercise: 24 hours
Laboratories: 24 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
- First module
The course aims to provide the fundamentals of General and Inorganic Chemistry as an indispensable cultural basis for understanding the courses in physical, analytocal and organic chemistry, to which it is propaedeutic. The student, through the study of chemistry will become aware not only of the fundamental role performed by this discipline in different scientific-technological fields, but also it will become accustomed to the basic principles underlying the scientific method. The course of General Chemistry will provide the student with the first examples of chemical reactivity, in particular with the processes in gaseous phase and in aqueous solution. The concept of chemical equilibrium will also be treated as applied to the equilibria in aqueous solution. The first notions of atomic theory and chemical bond theory will be provided with particular attention to molecular geometries.
The course aims to provide the basics of General and Inorganic Chemistry as a cultural base indispensable for understanding the subsequent courses, to which it is propaedeutic. The student, through the study of chemistry, will become aware not only of the fundamental role of this discipline in different scientific-technological fields, but also it will learn the fundamental principles at the base of the scientific method. The course of General Chemistry will provide the student with the first examples of chemical reactivity and of the main processes occurring in gaseous phase and in aqueous solution. The concept of chemical equilibrium applied also to aqueous solutions will be investigated. The first notions of atomic theory and chemical bond theory will be provided, with particular attention to molecular geometries.
Course Structure
- First module
Lectures, excercises
Lectures, classroom exercises, laboratory
Detailed Course Content
- First module
1. THE COMPOSITION OF MATTER: molecules and molecular compounds, ions and chemical compounds, chemical nomenclature, atomic weight and molecular weight.
2. CHEMICAL REACTIONS: Chemical equations, balance of simple reactions, oxidation number and redox reactions, quantitative meaning of chemical reactions.
3.STOICHIOMETRY - The concept of mole and the concept of equivalent, stoichiometric calculations: quantitative ratios in chemical reactions, limiting reagent
4. GASEOUS STATUS - General characteristics of the gaseous state, ideal gases and ideal gas laws, law of partial pressures and volumes, law of gas diffusion - real gases and Van der Waals equation, molecular meaning of pressure and temperature, outline of kinetic theory of gases.
5. LIQUID STATE AND SOLUTIONS - Characteristics of the liquid state, Vapor tension of liquids, solvation of solutes, concentration of solutions, Rault's law, forces intermolecular and deviations from the law of Rault, colligative properties of the solutions: lowering of the vapor pressure, cryoscopy and ebullioscopy, osmotic pressure, Colligative properties of electrolytes.
6. ELEMENTS OF KINETICS AND CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM - Kinetic equation and order of reaction, reaction pathway, activation energy and Arrhenius equation, factors that influence the reaction rate, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts, kinetic deduction of chemical equilibrium, Law of mass action and equilibrium constant, Factors that affect equilibrium
7. ATOM STRUCTURE - Nature of light, Bohr atom and hydrogen atom spectra, Bohr atom limits, waves and particles, the structure of the hydrogen atom, the structure of polyelectronic atoms, energy of orbitals, Aufbau principle, periodic element system, periodic properties: atomic and ionic rays, ionization energy, electronic affinity.
8. CHEMICAL BOND - Ionic bond, covalent bond, valence bond theory, electronegativity of atoms and bond polarity, V.S.E.P.R. theory: molecular geometry, hybrid orbitals, resonance, chemical bond and structural formulas of the most common inorganic compounds.
1.ATOMES AND MOLECULES: Molecular weight, minimum formula, percentages of the elements present in the compounds
2. CHEMICAL EQUATIONS. General information on chemical equations, balancing of chemical equations, calculation of the number of oxidation, redox balance, equivalents of acids, bases, salts, oxidants, reducing agents, weight ratios, non-quantitative processes, reaction yield, limiting reagent
3. GASEOUS SYSTEMS: Definition of a gaseous system, volume, pressure and temperature, gas laws, density and determination of molecular mass, partial pressures and volumes, gas mixtures, degree of dissociation. Calculations on gas phase reactions.
4. SOLUTIONS - Calculation of the concentration of the solutions, mixing and dilution of the solutions, volumetric analysis, colligative properties of solutions and effect of electrolytic dissociation.
5. CHEMICAL BALANCE - Chemical equilibrium, equilibrium constants and their use in the calculation of equilibrium species concentrations
6. DISSOCIATION EQUILIBRIA IN ELECTROLYTIC SOLUTIONS - Solutions of completely or partially dissociated salts, ionic product of water, strong acids and bases, weak monoprotic acids and bases, polyprotic acids, pH of saline solutions (hydrolysis), mixtures of acids, bases, salts, buffer solutions.
LABORATORY EXERCISES I Determination of the molar volume of a gas
Precipitation of a metal oxide and its purification
Redissolving of copper oxides in diluted and concentrated acids
Atomic spectroscopy and flame tests
Titrations of strong and weak monoprotic acids with indicators
Chemical kinetics
Textbook Information
- First module
R.H. Petrucci, W.S.Harwood, F.G. Herring, CHIMICA GENERALE (Principi e moderne applicazioni), Piccin
Kotz-Treichel-Townsend (ed edizioni precedenti) - Chimica- EdiSeS M. Speranza-Chimica Generale ed Inorganica-Edi-Ermes
P. W Atkins, J. Loretta - Chimica Generale - Zanichelli
M Schiavello, L. Palmisano - Fondamenti di Chimica - EdiSesN. J. Tro - Chimica Un approccio molecolare - Zanichelli
P. Silvestroni- Fondamenti di Chimica- CEA
M. Speranza-Chimica Generale ed Inorganica-Edi-Ermes
P. Michelin Lausarot, G.A. Vaglio, STECHIOMETRIA, Piccin