Academic Year 2021/2022 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Scientific field: CHIM/03 - General and inorganic chemistry
Taught classes: 56 hours
Exercise: 24 hours
Laboratories: 24 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • First module

    The course aims to provide the fundamentals of General and Inorganic Chemistry as an indispensable cultural basis for understanding the courses in physical, analytocal and organic chemistry, to which it is propaedeutic. The student, through the study of chemistry will become aware not only of the fundamental role performed by this discipline in different scientific-technological fields, but also it will become accustomed to the basic principles underlying the scientific method. The course of General Chemistry will provide the student with the first examples of chemical reactivity, in particular with the processes in gaseous phase and in aqueous solution. The concept of chemical equilibrium will also be treated as applied to the equilibria in aqueous solution. The first notions of atomic theory and chemical bond theory will be provided with particular attention to molecular geometries.

  • Stoichiometry and inorganic lab

    The course aims to provide the fundamentals of stoichiometry and chemical calculation, in order to allow the student to become familiar and mastered with the chemical problems that will be the

    subject of the final written exam. This second teaching module, in concert with the first theory module, aims to provide the student with the tools for understanding chemical reactivity in relation

    to inorganic and basic chemistry, the processes associated with it, and the stoichiometric calculations necessary for the resolution of specific problems. At the end of the course the student

    will have acquired and matured the essential skills to face and solve questions relating to calculations on moles, concentrations of solutions and balancing of chemical reactions. He will also

    have learned the nomenclature of inorganic compounds and will be able to carry out exercises involving basic general chemistry concepts such as those relating to colligative properties,

    thermochemical reactions and gas laws. Laboratory exercises will be carried out to reinforce the concepts addressed in the classroom and to introduce the student in a practical way to a chemical

    laboratory. The student will learn to organize and carry out a chemical experiment and to use glassware and some simple laboratory tools. In addition, some basic knowledge relating to the

    correct disposal of chemicals as well as some basic notions on data processing will be imparted. All these notions will serve for the understanding of the subsequent courses, to which the subject is

    preparatory. The student, through the study of chemistry and through laboratory activities, will become aware not only of the fundamental role played by this discipline in various scientifictechnological

    fields, but will also acquire experience with the fundamental principles underlying the scientific method.

    The aim of the course is to acquire the reasoning ability necessary to face the study of chemical phenomena with analytical and numerical methods (applying knowledge and understanding).

    Specific educational objectives of this course are:

    know the electronic configuration of the elements of the main groups and the nomenclature of the

    main inorganic compounds;

    knowing how to read and interpret all the information that can be deduced from the periodic table;

    understand the mechanisms of chemical bond formation;

    know the chemical interactions in solids, liquids and understand the state equations of gases;

    know the behavior of the solutions, in terms of the balance of interaction forces and their effect on

    the physical properties of the solutions;

    know the main thermodynamic and kinetic quantities involved in chemical reactions;

    evaluate the conditions of the chemical equilibrium;

    acquire the ability to correctly set up and carry out exercises on the various types of chemical


    Furthermore, with reference to the so-called Dublin Descriptors, this course contributes to

    acquiring the following transversal skills:

    Knowledge and understanding: Inductive and deductive reasoning skills. Ability to schematize a

    chemical reaction in qualitative and quantitative terms. Ability to set up a problem using

    appropriate relationships between physico-chemical quantities and to solve it with analytical


    Ability to apply knowledge: Ability to apply the knowledge acquired for the description of chemical

    phenomena using rigorously the scientific method. Capacity for quantitative calculation of

    reactants and products of chemical reactions.

    Autonomy of judgment: Critical reasoning skills. Ability to identify the most suitable solutions to

    solve chemical problems. Ability to identify the predictions of a theory or model. Ability to evaluate

    the accuracy needed to be used in stoichiometric calculations.

    Communication skills: Ability to describe a scientific topic in oral and written form, with properties

    of language and terminological rigor, illustrating its motivations and results.

Course Structure

  • First module

    Lectures, excercises

  • Stoichiometry and inorganic lab

    The course includes 62 hours in total. During the course there will be lectures on the preparatory topics for carrying out the exercises and the problems covered by the exam. In parallel, numerous classroom exercises will be carried out with simulation of problems and exercises completely similar to those that students will face in the final exam task. Finally, some (no more than 6) laboratory activities are scheduled during the course which will then have to be reported by the students and which will also constitute the subject of examination

Detailed Course Content

  • First module

    • The composition of matter: molecules and molecular compounds, ions and chemical compounds, chemical nomenclature, constitution of the atom, atomic weight and molecular weight, periodic table of elements, groups and periods, periodic properties of the elements, diagonal relationships.
    • Fundamental laws of chemistry: Dalton's atomic theory, Avogadro's principle, combination laws, discovery of electrons, protons and neutrons.
    • Chemical reactions: the concept of mole, chemical equations, balancing simple reactions, definition of oxidant and reducing agent, oxidation number and redox reactions, definition of acid and base, acid-base reactions, quantitative meaning of chemical reactions, at equilibrium and irreversible.
    • Structure of the atom: Electromagnetic radiation, hints of quantum mechanics: Planck, photoelectric effect, atomic spectra, Bohr, de Broglie, Heisenberg model, Schrödinger equation, monoelectronic atoms, polyelectronic atoms: spin and quantum number of spin, orbital energies of polyelectronic atoms, Pauli, Aufbau's exclusion principle and Hund's rule.
    • The chemical bond: covalent bond according to Lewis, Molecular geometry and VSEPR theory, Valence bond theory, Molecular geometry and hybridization, Multiple bonds, Outline of molecular orbital theory, electronic configuration of homopolar diatomic molecules of the second period, non- covalent, ionic bond, hydrogen bond, metal bond.
    • The gaseous state: laws of gases, equation of state for ideal gases, molar volume, density of gases, diffusion law of gases, real gases, van der Waals equation for real gases, molecular meaning of pressure and temperature, hints of kinetic theory of gases.
    • State transitions: Gas-Vapor-Liquid, critical pressure and temperature, state diagrams, equilibria between phases.
    • Notes on the solid state: metallic and ionic solids, molecular solids and covalent lattice solids, lattice energy, Born-Haber cycle.
    • The liquid state and solutions: role of non-covalent interactions, vapor pressure of liquids and boiling temperature, solvation of solutes, concentration of solutions, Raoult's law, deviations from Raoult's law, notes on the distillation of liquids, properties colligative, cryoscopy and ebullioscopy, osmotic pressure, strong and weak electrolytes, degree of dissociation, solubility of gases in liquids.
    • Kinetics and chemical equilibrium: equilibrium reactions, speed of a chemical reaction, order of a reaction, activation energy and Arrhenius equation, kinetic deduction of the chemical equilibrium, equilibrium constant, influence of concentration, pressure and temperature on chemical equilibria, catalysis, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts.
    • Hints of thermodynamics and thermochemistry: definitions and system-environment relations, state functions, I principle of Thermodynamics, molar thermal capacities, measurement of heat, Hess's law and reaction enthalpies, II principle of Thermodynamics, III principle of Thermodynamics and entropies of reaction, free energy, relationship between free energy and the equilibrium constant.

  • Stoichiometry and inorganic lab


    1. ATOMS AND MOLECULES: Mole, molecular weight, minimum formula, percentages of elements present in compounds. Chemical nomenclature and external electronic configuration.

    2. CHEMICAL EQUATIONS. BALANCE AND WEIGHT RELATIONS: Generalities on chemical equations, balancing of chemical equations, calculation of the number of oxidation, redox balance, the concept of acid and base, salts, oxidants, reducing agents, non-quantitative processes, reaction yield, limiting reagent.

    3. GAS SYSTEMS: Definition of a gas system, volume, pressure and temperature, gas laws, density and determination of molecular mass, partial pressures and volumes, gas mixtures, degree of dissociation. Calculations on gas phase reactions. Exercises on the law of ideal and real gases and Graham's law.

    4. SOLUTIONS - Calculation of the concentration of the solutions, mixing and dilution of the solutions, volumetric analysis, colligative properties of solutions and the effect of electrolytic dissociation.

    5. CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM - Chemical equilibrium, equilibrium constants and their use in the calculation of the concentrations of species at equilibrium

    6. THERMODYNAMICS - Enthalpy, specific heat, heat capacity, Hess's law, internal energy, entropy and free energy

    7. CHEMICAL KINETICS - Factors affecting the reaction rate - Kinetic equation and order of reaction - Elementary reactions: step limiting the reaction rate - Activation energy - Catalysts -Arrhenius equation and collision theory


    Determination of the molar volume of a Gas

    Precipitation of a metal oxide and relative purification

    Redissolution of copper oxides in diluted and concentrated acids

    Atomic spectroscopy and flame assays

    Chemical kinetics

Textbook Information

  • First module

    R.H. Petrucci, W.S.Harwood, F.G. Herring, CHIMICA GENERALE (Principi e moderne applicazioni), Piccin

    Kotz-Treichel-Townsend (ed edizioni precedenti) - Chimica- EdiSeS M. Speranza-Chimica Generale ed Inorganica-Edi-Ermes
    P. W Atkins, J. Loretta - Chimica Generale - Zanichelli
    M Schiavello, L. Palmisano - Fondamenti di Chimica - EdiSes

    N. J. Tro - Chimica Un approccio molecolare - Zanichelli

    P. Silvestroni- Fondamenti di Chimica- CEA

    M. Speranza-Chimica Generale ed Inorganica-Edi-Ermes

  • Stoichiometry and inorganic lab

    Stoichiometry and inorganic lab

    1. Stoichiometry- B I Bhatt-S B Thakore

    2. Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry, R. K. Dave