Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year- Module 1: Maria Elena FRAGALA'
- MODULO 2: Maria Elena FRAGALA'
Scientific field: CHIM/03 - General and inorganic chemistry
Taught classes: 56 hours
Exercise: 24 hours
Laboratories: 24 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
- Module 1
Course’s main objective is to provide fundamental principles and laws of Chemistry, required for all the other propedeutical chemical courses. Students will familiarize with chemical principles, symbol and notations. Nature of atoms and molecules in predicting the properties and behaviour of more complex systems will be considered. The course provides a firm foundation in applications of main chemical and scientific theories. Students will use rudimentary mathematical equation to appreciate quantitative nature of atomic and chemical interactions and to solve basic problems relating to chemical reactions . Basic principles of atomic theory, chemical bond theory and molecular geometries will be provided.
Module 2 of the course provides students with the basic notions of safety in the laboratory and will allow them to perform chemical reactions related to the General and Inorganic Chemistry course I. In the light of the information obtained in the first module of this course, students will be able to rationalize the chemical processes in gas phase or in aqueous solution experimentally carried out.
Course Structure
- Module 1
Lectures, exercises in the classroom and experiments on chemical reactions in the laboratory.
In room lectures and lab experiences
Textbook Information
- Module 1
R.H. Petrucci, W.S.Harwood, F.G. Herring, CHIMICA GENERALE (Principi e moderne applicazioni), Piccin
Kotz-Treichel-Townsend (ed edizioni precedenti) - Chimica- EdiSeS
M. Speranza-Chimica Generale ed Inorganica-Edi-Ermes
P. W Atkins, J. Loretta - Chimica Generale - Zanichelli
M Schiavello, L. Palmisano - Fondamenti di Chimica - EdiSes
N. J. Tro - Chimica Un approccio molecolare - Zanichelli
4. P. Silvestroni- Fondamenti di Chimica- CEA
- P. Michelin Lausarot, G.A. Vaglio, STECHIOMETRIA, Piccin